Monday, 1 September 2008


Sorry I've not posted in a while. As you can see the store has been undergoing a whole new set of changes, and along with preparing, as best I can, for Glamour Expo 2008, its been, on the whole, rather crazy.

The store is now getting some decent logo's and posters. Kindly created by Twist Easley.
Her work has also made it easier and therefore, has enabled me, to offer gift cards.
Available now :

100L, 250L, 500L gift cards (same price as value, perfect for smaller gifts)

1000L gift cards for 900L (saving 10%) and 5000L gift cards for 4500L (saving 10%).

I am also now offering a free outfit of their choice to anyone under 30 days old. This was inspired by what other designers are doing to welcome new residents, especially by Six Kennedy of Gurlywood's newbie hair vouchers.

There are also a few new gowns. So please drop by the store and take a look. Or look out for the glamour expo... where we will have a range of limited edition items as well as the usual gowns.

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